Speaking Wheel Evaluation

This evaluation tool gives individuals a chance to reflect on their participation in a discussion or group activity. The tool can generate discussion about the factors which influence participation, including language barriers. It may be useful for identifying which activities helped or hindered participation which can inform the planning of future sessions. If group discussion is unequal you may choose to make discussion and feedback more structured to better control participation. 

You will need:

flip chart paper

marker pens (enough for each participant)


Time: 30 mins


1 – Draw a large circle on flipchart paper and cut it into slices like a pizza (one segment for each participant).

2 – Give each participant a segment, marker pen and instructions: “Colour in your segment to show how happy you are with your participation in this event. Colour in from the narrow end of the wedge upwards.” If they are very happy they can colour in all or nearly all of the segment. 

3 – Once participants have coloured in their segments, ask everyone to reassemble the wheel, placing the segments back together to create a full circle. The wheel provides a visual representation of the group’s overall level of satisfaction with their participation. 

4 – Participants can spend a few minutes looking at everyone’s segments and talking. You can ask participants to explain their feelings about their participation if they feel comfortable to do so. 


Participants could also write comments in an expert language or draw something in their segment or on sticky notes to express their feelings about their level of participation. 

“It took me out of myself seeing how other people feel. We see we have different opinions about our participation in class, some are similar.” – English for Action ESOL student

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