Language pair evaluation

This evaluation tool gives participants a chance to reflect in pairs on a session or group activity in an expert language. The tool could be used to evaluate an organising meeting, a training session or an action that the group took together. The activity is done as a speaking task, but a written element could be added. It works best when at least two people in the group share an expert language, if this is not the case, ask any individuals without a language pair to write or audio record their evaluation in an expert language.

You will need:

paper and pens for written feedback (optional)

mobile phones for audio recording (optional)

Time: 20 mins


1 – Following a meeting, action or event, invite participants to get into pairs of an expert language: “Find a partner who you can talk to in a language you feel most comfortable speaking.” 

2. Give participants 10 minutes to talk. If anyone doesn’t have a language partner, invite them to make a voice recording or write their thoughts in an expert language.

3. After the expert language pair evaluation, ask each pair to feed back in the group’s common language. To assist with feedback you could ask each pair to summarise their evaluation in three sentences in the common language. These sentences could be spoken or written in advance.


Some questions you might use to prompt the evaluation: “How do you feel after the activity?” “What helped you participate?” “Did anything make it difficult for you to participate?” “What did you enjoy most?” “What could we change next time?” 

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