This evaluation tool gives participants a chance to reflect individually on a session or group activity in an expert language. The tool could be used to evaluate an organising meeting, a training session or an action that the group took together. The activity can be done as a writing task or participants can make an audio recording of their voice. Make sure to leave enough time for participants to read and listen to each other’s feedback and comment, respond and ask questions. Participants may then wish to translate or offer clarifications on their own feedback.
You will need:
paper and pens for written feedback
mobile phones for voice recording
Time: 30 mins
1 – Following a meeting, action or event, invite participants to take 10 minutes to reflect and evaluate what has happened. Ask participants to write down their thoughts or record a 30 second audio clip. It is an open evaluation so participants may include whatever thoughts and feelings they choose. Make sure to encourage participants to use their expert languages, say: “Use whatever language you feel most comfortable writing or speaking.”
2 – If participants have done a written evaluation, display these in the room so they are visible. If participants have recorded themselves speaking, ask them to send the recordings to you or to a shared WhatsApp group (if you have one).
3 – Give participants time to look at each other’s free writing, share their reflections and ask questions. Play voice recordings and invite any comments and questions. In addition, you could ask each participant to offer a translation, comment or clarification on their own evaluation if they wish.
Some questions you could use to prompt the evaluation: “How do you feel after the activity?” “What helped you participate?” “Did anything make it difficult for you to participate?” “What did you enjoy most?” “What could we change next time?”